10 Easy And Home Made Remedies To Get Rid of Mouth Ulcer

Mouth Ulcers are sore or small lesions in the oral cavity in the mouth they usually get healed by themselves within two or three days.

Some people frequently suffer from mouth ulcers, they can get rid of these mouth ulcers by following some simple tips in the comfort of home.

Mouth Ulcers are also known as oral ulcers as they are formed in the oral cavity in the mouth. They are formed on the mucous membrane of the mouth.

Mouth Ulcer Causes

Mouth Ulcer causes are many but the exact reason for the formation of mouth ulcers is not known. The reasons for the formation of a mouth ulcer may be due to infection, stress, tissue injury, or some sharp objects.

According to Ayurveda, more heat in the body may lead to the formation of mouth ulcers.

We try to give you information on mouth ulcer home remedies and also on how to get rid of mouth ulcers overnight and fast in this post.

 10 Best Mouth Ulcer Home Remedies

Ice Cubes/Cold Water relieves mouth ulcer pain

Mouth Ulcers are generally painless but if you are having pain then you can use cold water or ice cubes for treating the affected area.

Ice cubes or cold water just gives you instant relief from the pain but does not heal your ulcer.

Iglu Mouth Ulcer Treatment Gel

Cloves for treating mouth ulcers

We all know that cloves have the property of a local anesthetic and help in relieving pain. So you can use clove oil/eugenol for getting relief from oral pain.

But before you use clove oil, rinse your mouth with warm water or salt water to clean the area to prevent infection. This allows the clove oil to go deep into that area and start working on reducing the pain.

You can also chew cloves to get relief from sores’ pain.

Tulsi for treating mouth ulcers

Tulsi is well known for its medicinal uses and health benefits. We have already seen that stress is also one of the causes of mouth ulcers.

For this take a few tulsi leaves and wash them to clear the dust. Then chew these tulsi leaves for some time. Chew them three to four times a day to get quick relief from mouth ulcers and also to prevent their reoccurrence.

Honey for Mouth Ulcer

Honey prevents dehydration and promotes the formation of new tissue. It even reduces the scarring of the tissues.

Honey has an antimicrobial property that helps in the quick healing of the mouth ulcer. Apply honey to the mouth ulcer or mix it with turmeric and apply it to the affected area to get relief from mouth relief.

Poppy seeds for mouth ulcers

Poppy seeds commonly known as khus have a cooling effect on the body. We have seen that much body heat may lead to the formation of mouth ulcers previously.

So khus/poppy seeds serve the purpose of cooling the body and in turn treating mouth ulcers.

Coconut for mouth ulcers

Coconut water works to cool our bodies and helps us in the treatment of mouth ulcers.  So in case of mouth ulcers, drink coconut water or chew dry coconut to get relief. In addition to them, you can also apply coconut oil to reduce the pain and inflammation of mouth ulcers.

Liquorice/licorice for mouth ulcers

Licorice which is also known as mulethi, yashtimadhu, and adhimadhuram has many medicinal benefits. It has anti-inflammatory properties and helps in the treatment of pain caused by mouth ulcers.

Licorice is available in the form of licorice powder or stems. If you are using licorice stems, grind them using some water to make a smooth paste. Apply this paste to the affected area.

You can also mix a little amount of licorice powder and turmeric in a glass of warm milk and consume it three or four times a day for best results.

Turmeric for mouth ulcers

You can apply turmeric paste on mouth ulcers at night before going to sleep. You can prepare turmeric paste by adding a few drops of water to turmeric powder.

Turmeric has antiseptic properties and thus helps in healing mouth ulcers in a short period. You can do this until you get relief from them.

Amla for mouth ulcer

As we know that amla has a large amount of vitamin C. Amla is used for treating mouth ulcers that occur as a result of vitamin C deficiency.

Take a ball with a little bit of water and add amla powder to it. Put this amla ball in your mouth. It provides vitamin C and helps in the treatment of mouth ulcers.

Menthe for mouth ulcers

Menthe is a good remedy for treating mouth ulcers. Boil methi leaves along with water. Take this water for gargling your mouth. Do this at least four times a day to get quick relief from mouth ulcers.


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